REGINA O’MELVENY is a writer, teacher and artist. Her award-winning poetry and prose have been anthologized and widely published in literary magazines such as The Bellingham Review, The Sun, The LA Weekly, Solo and Barrow Street.

Her long poem, Fireflies, won the Conflux Press Nature Poetry Award, released as an artist’s book designed by Tania Baban.
She has published three chapbooks, Secret, and New from Conflux Press, and other gods, a prizewinner from the Munster International Literary Centre in Cork, Ireland.

Her manuscript Blue Wolves, a collection of poems with reproductions of her assemblages, won the Bright Hill Press poetry book award in New York. A second book of poetry, The Shape of Emptiness was released by Sheila-Na-Gig Editions.

Her novel, The Book of Madness & Cures, published by Little, Brown and Company was listed as one of the six best historical novels of the year by NPR and has been translated in over ten languages. Her most recent novel, The Sea-Cure, will be published by Running Wild Press in 2024.

She has taught at The Palos Verdes Art Center, The South Coast Botanic Gardens and Marymount College.